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Links & NotesBefore 2025

Concentration music

Delivery achievements

Delivery achievements


Master technology architect

Benchmarking: DigitalOcean vs Scaleway vs Hetzner geekbench of sub-5$ cloud instances

Cluster recipe: external proxy for Kubernetes Ingress or docker-compose “Ingress” with HAProxy on CentOS7

Containerized development recipe: rsync with remote development server in VSCode

Kubernetes recipe: Kubernetes (kubespray) + GlusterFS (gluster-kubernetes) + Letsencrypt (kube-lego) + Nginx Ingress (nginx-ingress) on ScaleWay 2017–11–18

Kubernetes recipe: store nginx config with ConfigMap and reverse-proxy requests from your domain to your Github page

Kubernetes recipe: how to setup baremetal cluster (1.8.1) with Kubespray (2.3.0) and deploy Ingress Controller with Letsencrypt support on ScaleWay 2017-10-30

I earned 100.0% in Principles of Reactive Programming on @Coursera!

Principles of Reactive Programming

Functional Programming Principles in Scala

Principles of Reactive Programming

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